
8.30–9.00 Welcome to participants
9.00–9.30 Opening Remarks

1st Session (Chair: Dr. Pierre-Antoine Bouit)
9.30 –10.15 Invited conference: Dr Maria Caporali (Sesto Fiorentino, Italy)
New heterostructures based on 2D black phosphorus for application in catalysis and energy conversion
10.15 –10.30 Geoffrey Letheux (Caen)
Synthesis of luminescent and magnetic materials from a rigid phosphonic acid derived from thianthrene
10.30 –10.45 Alexandre Chemin (Rennes)
Synthesis of P-containing polymethine cyanines
10.45 –11.00 Dr. Mohammad Ahmad (Le Havre)
Development in phosphiraniums ions chemistry
11.00 –11.20 Coffee break

2nd Session (Chairs: Dr. Anne-Marie Caminade & Prof. Béatrice Roy)
11.20 – 12.05 Invited conference: Prof. Henning Jessen (Freiburg, Germany)
Chemical Biology Approaches in Magic Spot Nucleotide Signalling
12.05 – 12.20 Mathis Guiraud (Montpellier)
Use of triphenylphosphonium salts for mitochondrial delivery of nucleoside analogs
12.20 – 12.35 Dr. Thomas Cheviet (Montpellier)
Novel synthetic Approach to Aminomethylene-gem-bisphosphonates Containing an Aziridine Motif
12.35 – 12.50 Dr. Emmanuelle Remond (Montpellier)
P-functionalized phospholes for chemoselective fluorescent labeling of peptides

12.50 – 14.00 Lunch

3rd Session (Chair: Dr. Arnaud Voituriez)
14.00 – 14.45 Invited conference: Prof. Manuel Alcarazo (Göttingen, Germany)
Synthetic applications of cationic phosphines and phosphonium cations
14.45 – 15.00 Romane Pointis (Toulouse)
Hydrogenation of esters promoted by phosphine-NHC manganese catalysts
15.00 – 15.15 Romain Losa (Gif-sur-Yvette)
Towards a catalytic process via P(III)/P(V) redox cycling for the synthesis of 2-azetines
15.15 – 15.30 Dr. Rachid Taakili (Nice)
Photochemical Alkene Hydrophosphination with Bis(trichlorosilyl)phosphine

15.30–16.00 Coffee break

16.00 – 16.15 Dr. Julia Deschamps (Bobigny)
Towards the Development of a Second Generation of Bifunctional Peptidic Organocatalysts including a
Phosphonic Acid Moiety
16.15 – 16.30 Dr. Adrien Normand (Dijon)
Phosphide Ambiphilicity as a Gate Toward Intricate Early-Late Heterobimetallic Complexes
16.30 – 16.45 Dr. Chloée Bournaud (Paris-Saclay)
Design and Synthesis of Novel Bifunctional Organocatalysts for Enantioselective Rearrangement

16.45–17.15 Closing Remarks

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